How-to Guides

Trainee Application Instructions Video

This video demonstrates the process of submitting an application to register as an NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Trainee.

Study Application Instructions Video

This video demonstrates the process of submitting an application to register your study onto the NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme.

How to complete the Associate PI Scheme Checklist

This video is aimed at users who are already enrolled onto the Associate PI Scheme, and demonstrates the process of completing and submitting a completed Associate PI Checklist, in order to receive your certificate.

A preview of the Associate PI Scheme dashboard on Qlik Sense

For interested Applicants

To identify a study that is registered onto the Associate PI scheme and open to recruitment at your local site, visit the Associate PI Scheme study dashboard and go to "Where can I take part?" to search for your site

04_How can I find out who the Associate PIs are for my study?

For National Study Team Representatives

Guidance for using the Open Data Platform to see who is registered as an Associate PI for your study.

02. New Learn Associate Principal Investigator (PI) trainee Checklist.pdf

For Associate PI Trainees

The Associate PI Scheme Checklist

The Associate PI Scheme checklist which outlines the activities that we ask Associate PI's to complete during their 6 month tenure on the Associate PI Scheme.