Associate PI Scheme Champion Role

What is an Associate PI Scheme Champion?

The Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme has launched an optional new role that National Study Teams may wish to have within their teams. The role is the Associate PI Scheme Champion.

The Champion would be a local source of information and support for staff at the managing organisation of a study, whether that be a CTU, R&D Department, CRO, etc. The overall aim of the role is promotion of the Associate PI Scheme within the organisation and have a good awareness of the Scheme to help improve uptake.

This is an optional role.

Please see the role description and guidance document below for more information.

How do I put myself forward for this role? 

There may already be somebody at your local site who would be a good fit for this role (it may even be you!)

What we are asking is that

All trial managers have been contacted about this role so those who are interested can begin these conversations.