Laptop Care

Laptops and Temperature Extremes

Laptops Really do Freeze!

Electronic devices suffer from temperature extremes. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) of laptops, phones, and PDAs really do freeze. Laptops have been designed to work within a safe temperature range, typically between 50 to 95 degrees F (10 - 35 degrees C). This range refers to the optimal usage temperature of the outside environment and the temperature the laptop should be warmed before use.

Careful Storage

Never leave a laptop, or other devices, even in a well-padded and insulated case, in the trunk of a vehicle in cold or hot weather for long periods of time. The device could freeze, which can result in the loss of all data contained within the device. Heat may also damage components.

Let It Warm Up

Once you bring a laptop in from the cold (or heat), allow it to return to room temperature before booting.

Protect Your Display

Do not boot up an LCD display device if you suspect the display is frozen. Don't use heating pads or other external sources of heat to warm up or thaw the display. Allow your device to warm on its own.

Incorrect Warming/Cooling Methods

Do not use tools such as mug warmers or pocket warmers to heat or keep a laptop warm - likewise, refrigeration of a hot laptop subjects components to too rapid cooling. They could heat the wrong parts or generate too much heat and melt internal components.

Do not use your laptop while it is still inside a laptop bag. There is no room for air to circulate, and you will get heat build-up.

Laptops, cell phones, and other mobile devices are tools to help manage the details of life. Don't leave your tools out in the wet and cold. Proper care and maintenance of your digital devices are as important as maintaining a car's breaks—both keep you from crashing.

Prevent Overheating

As computers have become more powerful they have simultaneously been generating more heat. Laptops are particularly susceptible to overheating, so make sure yours has room to breathe.

All computers generate heat that must be dissipated to avoid damaging components. Laptops are limited in the amount of space they can devote to cooling; add to that the fact that batteries generate heat when charging and discharging, and you've got a very delicate balance when it comes to managing heat.

Some guidelines for ensuring that you don't hasten your computer's demise by inhibiting its ability to cool itself: