New NCG Committee

Dear Parents and Guardians,

One of the things that everyone loves about Nexus is our wonderful sense of community. We love seeing you involved in our school. Over the years you have guided our learners on career paths, hosted BBQs, painted pebbles, coached the football team, and put on a spectacular Christmas Fair.

We are always looking at ways to improve and enhance what we offer at Nexus to strengthen our school community, it is with this in mind that we are now looking to appoint our new committee members to represent the parent community at Nexus for this academic year.

However, you don't need to be a committee member to get involved and support all the fun and exciting events and activities throughout the year, maybe you would like to host a sports competition, contribute to our Mother Tongue Programme, or just get together for some yoga or gym classes.

If you would like to get involved either as a committee member or not, please can we ask for a minute of your time to complete the below form so that we can continue to build our school community involvement.

Please can you let us know by 8am on Friday 23rd September.

Community Building Events Workshop

An historic day today, as over 50 parents gathered to start working on our first ever post-restriction NCG events. Bridging our old school traditions with our new spaces and a growing community - we don’t mind saying we are beyond excited!

Thank you to everyone who attended - your energy was infectious and your volunteering is so valued. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks for exciting news on these events! Hint: Learners are going to LOVE it!