
Music News

Yixi - Y10

Chinese Erhu

Orla - Y10


Musical Maestros - Primary coming soon!

Arriving at school on a Friday morning? Heard some wonderful music? It's not the radio, but our very own NEXUS musicians serenading our community and welcoming you onto campus!

Based in the Eco Cafe each Friday different musicians will be showcased and their recording broadcast across the campus speakers. It has been lovely to start the year with some of our Y9 and 10 musicians however we are working our way through various instruments and ages so there will be opportunities for all.

Y13 ANOTHER Charity Gig

After the amazing success from last years Y12 IB learners with their charity gig which raised over 2000$ they are bringing to you another evening of music. Open to all learners to attend this will take place on Tuesday 4 October in the Auditorium 4.45-6pm.

Primary learners in Y5 and below must be accompanied by an older sibling or parent before being allowed entry into the Auditorium.