Week ending 

Friday 17th May 2024

Dear Families,

We had another great week of learning about plants and some of our seeds have started to grow!  We planted a mint plant and also discovered that an aloe plant really doesn't like too much water! Next week is our final week of our Growing Things: Plants topic and we will all be taking our beans home to care for. It would be great if you could be ready for this on Thursday with a bag to carry it home in and a saucer to place it on at home. You might need a lng stick to support your bean as it grows taller. We will be asking you to measure your beans at home as they grow.

Don't forget that next week is our last week before half term and that school is closed on Friday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Taking care of our plants

We have been checking our beans every day and watering them when they need it. We have also been exploring the scent of plants and discovered that not all flowers have a strong scent!


Finally! We all got to see some butterflies emerge! We had 5 altogether! We noticed how one of the butterflies whose chrysalis had fallen down came out with very bent wings but still survived! We're hoping its wings straighten out.

Water play!

The warm weather has arrived and we couldn't wait to fill the water pump up and watch the water flow down the canal! We also filled the water tray up, and used some of the soapy water to clean the sides of our planters so that we didn't waste it.

Mud Kitchen

Some amazing "baking" in the Mud Kitchen. We even had a "watermelon cake" baked!

Family Friday!

Thank-you to all the parents who joined us at our Family Friday! As always, it was lovely!

The Kindness Awards

Well-done to Blake and Wren! Blake showed such polite kindness at the water tray, sharing the boats and always saying "please" and "thank-you". Wren has been a special helper to adults, kindly being a sitting buddy and showing some friends how to do "good  sitting".

Our Book this week: A Seed in Need

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"What does a seed need to grow?"

"Where does the seed come from?"

"When is the best time for the seed to start growing?"

"What starts growing out of the seed first?"

Our Rhyme this week

We have continued to practise this lovely song from last week and it is sounding so beautiful!

Our words this week

What does a plant need to grow?

What can a seed or plant grow in?

What does soil look like/feel like?

What does soil turn into if it gets really wet?

RESEARCH TASK: Can you research whether all plants grow without soil? re there some that don't grow in soil? Where can they grow? What types of plants are they? 

Will a plant grow at the back of a dark cupboard? Why not?

Why does a plant need water?

How does a plant suck up the water it needs?

Where does the water go?

Will a plant grow if you put it in a plastic bag and sellotape it shut? Why not? What does it need?

Do we need air? How do we take air into our bodies? Do dogs need air? What about dogs? What about fish?

Our Maths learning this week

We have been practising our skills at describing a simple route and giving directions. 

Don't forget to practise this when you are out and about!

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out these activities with your child this weekend.  Please bring your child's learning into school to show us or send us some pictures.

More maps!

Make a 3D map of your neighbourhood with whatever you can find!

Leaf Maths

Go on a leaf hunt and collect as many different shapes and sizes as possible.  Compare, sort, order and make patterns looking at size, shape and colour. Can you make groups/sets of 3? 4? 5? How many equal sets can you make? Do you need to collect any more to make full sets? How many more?

Nature collages

Collect a range of natural objects and make a nature picture or collage.  Use glue to stick it or arrange a picture, take a photo then rearrange it again and again.  


Half-term break

A reminder that we break for half-term on Thursday. The last day of school is Thursday 23rd May. Friday is an INSET training day for all of our staff.

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0208 802 4051 or email the team via the school office: gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk