Week ending 

Friday 10th May 2024

Dear Families,

What a lovely week to introduce our Growing Things: Plants topic! Such lovely weather, ideal to potter around in our Woodland Area and see the growth that has gone on in there! It is now a beautiful area, full of growth! We have begun to look at the life-cycle of a plant.  It was great to hear that many children are beginning to make links between their prior learning about the life-cycle of a butterfly. This week we did lots of planting and practised how to do a recount of what we did using the words "first, next, after that, then and finally". We will continue our Plants topic next week and will be looking at what all plants need to grow. 

Any unwanted plants and plant pots would be much appreciated! Also, don't forget photos of your favourite green spaces!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, sunny weekend!

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Describing a simple route and map-making

We went on a journey from the Nursery, all the way around the Key Stage 2 playground and back again.  This encouraged lots of discussions about routes we could take and lots of directional language.  Some children even began to use "left" and "right" correctly! Please practise describing a route with your child on all our journeys. You could also include those words "first, next, after that, then and finally".


This week, we planted beans and can't wait to see them grow! We used those words "first, next, after that, then and finally" to explain how we did this.  Ask your child to explain it to you using these words.

We're looking forward to more planting next week!

The Kindness Awards!

This week, we say congratulations go to Aras and Shanayah-Marie! Aras showed lovely kindness to many children in the Nursery by sharing the very popular bridge on the climbing equipment, giving them turn to go across. Shanayah-Marie has shown a lovely quiet kindness towards her friend, Kiarna, sharing toys with her and taking turns. Well-done!

Our Book this week: It Starts with a Seed

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"What does a tree start as?"

"What does the tree grow in? Soil or sand?"

"What kind of creatures do you think live in the trees?"

"What changes does the tree go through in Autumn?  Winter? Spring? Summer?!

"Can you describe the life cycle of a tree using the words first, next, after that, then and finally?"

Our Song and Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

We will be learning this lovely song for the next 3 weeks! Some of us know it from last year but have forgotten some of the words, some of us are learning the words for the first time!

Our words this week

These are our words for the next two weeks. We will be revisiting all of them again. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

What is a seed?

What kind of things could a seed grow into?

What seeds do you know about?

Where can we plant seeds if we want to carry them around? 

Where else could seeds be planted besides a pot? 

Can you Fred Talk pot? (ie. "pot, p-o-t, pot")

What is the "doing word" for putting a seed in the soil to grow? I am....................a seed.

What does a gardener do lots of?

Why is water important to a seed or plant?

Is water important to anything else? (Is water important to you? How about an animal?) Why?

What do plant like to grow in?

What kind of creatures help make the soil healthier for plants? Why?

What is the name for that little spade which we use in the garden?

What is it used for?

How is it different to a spade?

Our Maths learning this week

We have been recapping out 3D shapes this week. Can you practise at home?

Describing simple routes

As you can see from the above photos, We went on a journey around the school. We have also been looking at maps and using Google Instant Street view to "walk" around our neighbourhoods. We are practising to describe a simple route or journey and we've been having a go at map-making.

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out these activities with your child this weekend.  Please bring your child's learning into school to show us or take photos for your Special Learning Moment page for his/her Profile.

Plant some seeds and look after them!

See below for some ideas.

Plant some cress or other seeds in something recycled. 

Make a map

Go on a journey from A to B and describe the route you took to your adult.  Draw a simple map to show your route and what you saw along the way.  


Seeds please! 

We want to compare different seeds next week but need your help! Please collect any seeds you can for us and bring them in on Monday. Seeds out of the fruit you eat would be great! Apple seeds, pear seeds, papaya seeds, avocado seeds, ANY seeds would be GREAT! 

Family Friday Reading Breakfast

Our next Family Friday is on 17th May

Full-time and morning children: 8.50 - 9.10 

Come and see your child's profiles!

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0208 802 4051 or email the team via the school office: gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk