Week ending 

Friday 24th November 2023

Dear Families,

This week, we learnt a a very big word, Occupations! A lot of us are really good at saying it now and know that it is all about the jobs adults do. We chatted a bit about money and earning this through a job and we had lots of aspirational ideas of what the children would like to be when they grow up. Sola was so enthusiastic that he said he wanted to be a police officer, a firefighter AND an astronaut! It was so fantastic to see some of the photos you sent in to us. The children were very excited to see their family and relatives in action! We will be making a booklet next week so please keep them coming!

Next week we will be continuing our topic Occupations with the question "Who helps you in an emergency?" and will concentrate on firefighters, police officers and paramedics. Again, any photos are most welcome!  

Next week are Parent Consultations. We are really looking forward to having a chat with you about your little lovely!  

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Best wishes from the Nursery Team.

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Doctor's Surgery and Dental Clinic have been very popular! We have been acting in the roles of doctors, nurses, dentists, patients and receptionists.

We made an ambulance! First, we learnt the very tricky skill of joining two boxes together using masking tape. Next, we painted our boxes yellow and used yellow paper to collage on top of this. After that, we looked at the detail on the ambulance and added the wheels, windows, patterns and the paramedics. Finally we added some paramedics. Do you like it?

As you might of heard from your child, we have started a tooth-cleaning programme called The Tooth Friendly Nursery Programme to promote children's oral health. Each child has been given his/her own toothbrush which are kept hygienically in a toothbrush stand with their names on them. We teach the children that they should brush their teeth at least twice a day and show them the correct method of brushing.

Even though teeth brushing is happening in Nursery a few times a week, it is still vitally important that, at Nursery age, your child is supported through the whole tooth brushing process at home twice a day.

After talking about x-rays, some of us decided to make skeletons with playdough. The children followed a set-by-step process as an adult made a skeleton. No children's skeletons were touched by an adult AT ALL! They were able to make all the pices with their own hands! 

What a great Family Friday! Thanks for joining us!

Your child's Learning Profile

We would love to invite you to contribute to your child's profile. The children love chatting about what they do at home and it creates amazing opportunities for developing language and sharing experiences. Please come in to collect a "My Special Learning Moment" sheet (left) whenever you like, and have a read of the guidance below on how you could prepare one. We ask that instead of used for drawing, as we have a lot of this going on at school, that the Special Learning Moment sheet is used for those amazing things you do with your child that we will not see in school. Favourites for the children are annotated photographs of special family events, baking and outings. 

The Kindness Awards

Congratulations to Lyra and Ligeia for winning the Kindness Awards this week! Lyra has been especially kind in helping another child learn some English words and join in with her building play. Ligeia was very kind when another child had an accident. She showed great concern, looking after the child with kind words and offering her water. Well-done, you two!

Our Book this week: 

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"Who helps us feel better?"

Why did Olivia go to the doctor?

Where did Olivia need to go to get an x-ray?

Who were the other patients that Doctor Miranda see? What was wrong with them?

What equipment did Doctor Miranda use?

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

We changed the last verses to "I'll be backin the morning yes I will, will, will."

We talked a lot about keeping healthy this week and agreed that it was much more healthy not to worry and to try to be happy as much as we can! We loved this song!

Our words this week

We have a lot this week!

We have learnt the words below this week.  Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

What does a doctor do? What does a nurse do? How is a doctor and a dentist different? Have you gone to visit a doctor or a dentist?

What is the name of the person who needs to visit a doctor or a dentist? 

What does a patient need to do to get to see a doctor or a dentist?

Who answers the phone when you phone the doctor or the dentist? Who makes an appointment for you at the doctor or the dentist?

What are some of the ways we can keep healthy so that we don't need to visit the doctor or the dentist too often?

What is this? Who uses it? What is it used for?

Where do you go to visit a doctor? Can you think of anywhere else you might go as well? Where do you go to visit the dentist? What can you find inside these places?

Remember these three videos? Have another look!

Our Maths learning this week

This week we learnt some positional language and used a "patient" to hide in different places, chanting "Where is the patient?" 

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out these activities with your child this weekend.  Bring them in or send us photos! We love looking at all the lovely homework with the children at carpet sessions! 

Make your own stethoscope with a hair band, pom poms, some wool or something else that is flexible and a bit of egg box.  

Positional Language

Look at this website and have a try at some of these games at home. Can you try some of these games at home to practise positional language? Encourage your child to use FULL SENTENCES and not just a single word. eg. instead of just "behind", encourage your child to say "The bear is behind the chair."

Send us some photos of your games!


Parent consultations

A reminder about parent consultations next week. We would really appreciate you arriving a little bit BEFORE your allocated slot and waiting patiently so that we can, as much as possible, run on time. Each family is allocated a 10 minute slot so as much as we would love to chat to your for longer, we will have to stick to the 10 minutes.

Thank-you for your understanding and see you next week!

Design and making

We are always very busy using the Design and Making area where your child is able to choose from a range of clean junk, odds-and-ends and joining materials to design and make something new.  

If you have any clean junk such as whole boxes, especially small ones and VERY large ones, we would be very happy to take them. We love to make dens and houses out of massive boxes! It would be great if you keep them in box form and not flat pack. Thank-you!

We would be EXTRA excited to get any fancy tapes, corks, fabric remnants, ribbons, or anything else you could collect for us for our special creations.

Occupation photos

Don't forget to send in photos of yourself if you have an occupation, and especially if you wear a uniform! Please send to the email at the bottom of the page.

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0208 802 4051 or email the team via the school office: gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk