Week ending 

Friday 20th October 2023

Dear Families,

We have come to the end of our first half term, and the end of our Transport topic. This week we have had great fun exploring air transport and every child has shown great engagement in the topic! Thank-you for the great photographs you sent in! 

After the half-term break, our topic will be Autumn and Bonfire Night. We will also be celebrating Halloween! Don't forget: HALLOWEEN DRESS-UP DAY on TUESDAY 31st October.

This has been a fantastic half-term full of brand new experiences and lots of new friendships. It is very rewarding to see all our children happy and settled now and making great progress. On that note, have an absolutely fantastic half-term break. See you all on the Monday 30th October.

Best wishes from the Nursery Team.

Gallery of this week's learning

Air transport

We did lots of work around air vehicles this week! We made aeroplanes out of clay, recycled bottles, using construction sets and we did some painting too! We had a great time at our Airport where we made passports, packed our bags and sold plane tickets. It was great to see some lovely air vehicles at our Transport Show-and-Tell session too.

Animals UK

What an exciting visit! We were all so very excited to see all the animals and for most of us, touch them too! Come and see some more photos at our next Family Friday Reading Breakfast, which will be our Learning Profile edition!

Our Woodland Area

A thousands thanks to Kitty's mum who donated some plants and compost to our Woodland Area, put in some hard labour with Ms Mulder to dig some flower beds and planted some plants with a group of children. Kitty's mum has lots more lovely ideas to develop our Woodland Area! Watch this space for more fabulous developments and come and chat us if you'd like to get involved

Family Friday Reading Breakfast

The Kindness Award

Congratulations to Rocco and Samuel! You showed wonderful kindness, both of you making a real effort in thinking of ways to help others. 

Our Book this week: Things That Go

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

Where does an aeroplane fly?

Where is luggage loaded on an aeroplane?

What do you find on the wings of an aeroplane?  What are they for?  

Our Song and Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

We also listened to some songs with Mr Blippi and watched him fly a jet!

Our words this week

We have learnt the words below this week.  Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

Who flies an aeroplane?

Who flies a helicopter?

What does a pilot wear?

Where do you find a propeller?

How does a propeller work?

What does a runway look like?

What is a runway for?

What makes a good runway? (smooth, flat, long)

What do people do at an airport?

What does an aeroplane do at an airport?

What is inside/outside an airport?

Our Maths learning this week

We have been sorting all sort of objects by size and have been thinking about other words to use for small (little, tiny, minute, mini) and large (huge, gigantic, massive)

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out these activities with your child this weekend.  Please send us some photos of your child's learning or bring your child's learning into school.

Autumn Treasures

Take a trip to the park or a forest and collect some conkers, bundles of sticks and any other exciting Autumn objects to donate to Nursery. Who can collect the most conkers? The biggest conker? The thickest stick? The biggest variety of seeds? The most unusual Autumn treasure?  Can't wait to see!

Halloween cupcakes

Bake some cupcakes and decorate them as a spooky Halloween character!

Halloween crafts

Make a Halloween character and bring it in on dress-up day to show us!  


Halloween dress-up day

Don't forget to dress up for Halloween on the second day back, Tuesday 31st October. Something spooky as it is Halloween! You're welcome to bring any healthy Halloween snacks to share with the class as well! 

Any pumpkin donations would be very much appreciated!


As the weather gets progressively colder and wetter, we ask you to please make sure your child brings a coat to school. Again, PLEASE label all your child's clothing, especially school uniform. You can purchase a relatively cheap permanent laundry marker from Amazon or the craft shop on the HIgh Road. 

If your child is still finding it tricky to put their coat on independently, how about trying the above "Dip and Flip" method? Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible.   

See you back at school on Monday 30th October!

A gentle reminder:


Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0208 802 4051 or email the team via the school office: gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk