Week ending 

Friday 29th September 2023

Dear Families,

How wonderful it's been to chat all about ourselves these past three weeks! We have absolutely loved sharing our precious All About Me boxes and there have been so many enthusiastic stories and fantastic language skills coming out from all of our children! We will be keeping a hold of the boxes until our half-term break at which time we will send them home to you. 

This week, we also introduced our Kindness Award! See our photos below.

We have a very exciting topic beginning next week: Transport! Our first week we will concentrate on LAND transport, the second week on WATER transport and our third week on AIR transport. We will also be touching on very simple map-making. It would be great if you start chatting to your child about their route to and from school every day, beginning with your starting point and your destination, then what you pass along the way and finally moving on to words such as "straight", "forwards", "turn", "left" and "right".

Wishing you all a great weekend!

Best wishes from the Nursery Team.

Gallery of this week's learning

'All About Me' boxes

More photos to see in your children's profiles next Family Friday Reading Breakfast - we're saving the best!

Friendship bracelets

We made friendships bracelets and showed our kindness by giving them to a friend.

P.E. with Coach Ryan!

Wiggly worm

We found an earthworm which emerged from the paving stones outside the Nursery entrance. We out it into our wormery and will be keeping an eye out for some more friends for him/her.

Family Friday Reading Breakfast

How lovely to have some of you joining us for Family Friday Reading Breakfast! The children had a wonderful time reading with you and sharing their profiles.

What else have we been up to?

The Kindness Award!

Introducing The Kindness Award. 

Meet our Kindness Elves, Pop and Sparkle. Pop and Sparkle hide in different places around the Nursery every day and keep a watch over the children. In particular, they are watching out for children who have shown consistently kind behaviour every day. Every Thursday, The Kindness Elves present a special Kindness Award to the two children they have noticed showing lots of kindness. We all celebrate together in a mini-ceremony and photos of the children go up on our Kindness Shelf. As well as this, we display their names on our lightbox and all chant "You name in lights!" as we switch on the special lights. 

This week, our Kindness Awards go to...

Our Book this week

Click on the link below to get an idea of the non-fiction books we have been reading this week.  You can read "I like to be kind" together.  

"What makes a good friend?"

"How can you be kind to your friend?"

"What kind of things have your shared with a friend this week?"

"Can everyone be our friend or must we stick to one friend/group of friends?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

Our words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?


Who are your friends?  How can you make your friend feel happy?


What equipment have you shared with a friend in Nursery this week? How did you share it?


How could you show a friend who is sad that you care about them?  


What are some of the things you can do to be kind to someone?


We loved singing this song about sharing!

Our Maths learning this week

This week, we have been learning about different types of lines. We have explored making straight lines and different curved lines which will also help us to begin to understand how 2D shapes are formed with straight or curved lines.

Can you practise drawing some of these lines at home? Perhaps you are even ready to draw some shapes eg. straight lines for squares, rectangles and triangles, curved lines for circles and ovals.

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out these activities with your child this weekend.   Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love the see it!

Make a Kindness Chain

Make a Kindness Chain with your adult/s and decorate then with your friends' and family's faces! and clothes.

Make a friendship necklace 

Use pasta to make a friendship necklace for your neighbourhood friend, for someone at school or to do something kind for a family member.

Where do you live?

Take a photo of the front of your house and send it to us so we can start to do some map-making during our next topic!



Although you will receive texts or emails from the school office about important dates, occasionally we will put up reminder notices on the Nursery door.  Please have a check when you can. Also, it would be great if you could visit the Home Learning Portal every weekend for any reminders and, of course, to see the children's learning.


Photos please!  


It would be great if you have two or three photos of land, water or air transport that your child has experienced directly and would recognise. Perhaps you have photos in an airport, the aeroplane you flew in or photos of your child looking out of an aeroplane window. Perhaps your family travelled by ferry or went on a cruise. Perhaps someone in the family has a motorbike or drives a lorry and your child is familiar with their vehicle. It would be great to share these during our Transport topic to make the topic more meaningful for the children.

Please send photos to the office email (below) for the attention of Nursery.


Boxes please!!

In the Nursery, we love to practise our design and making skills through "junk modelling". Please bring in all of your smaller, clean boxes so that we can get busy! Toothbrush boxes, coffee pod boxes, large but especially small cereal boxes, tissue boxes, kitchen roll innards, we would love all of these regularly and are hoping for some on Monday. Please bring your boxes intact and NOT flat-packed.


Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0208 802 4051 or email the team via the school office: gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk