Health & Wellness
Character, Competence, Creativity, Community
WSCC - the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child is a health services model based in the thinking that health precedes learning; without health, students will not be able to learn. The model focuses attention on the child, emphasizes a school-wide approach, and acknowledges the connectedness of learning to health, the school, and the local community. The WSCC delivers ten domains which are aligned with the Vermont Agency of Education’s (VTAOE) laws and guidelines. For detailed information on the WSCC or the VTAOE health education guidelines, please visit these websites:
The WSCC logo below contains links to each of the 10 Domains identified in the health model.
Click on the words in the image for information on NCSU's progress:
• The community, represented in yellow, demonstrates that while the school may be a hub, it remains a focal reflection of its community and requires community input, resources, and collaboration in order to support its students.
• The child in the center is at the focal point of the model; the child is encircled by the “whole child” tenets in green: being “healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”
• The white band emphasizes the alignment, integration, and collaboration needed among the school, health, and community sectors to improve each child’s learning and health.
• Represented in the blue, the multiple school components surround the child, acting as the hub that provides the full range of learning and health support systems to each child, in each school, in each community.