Top Hat in a Large Lecture Biomedical Class

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

DH Hill Library - Multimedia Seminar Center

In this session participants will hear how Top Hat, NC State’s newly licensed interactive classroom platform, can be used to maximize engagement and improve overall learning in a large-lecture, graduate level course. We’ll discuss the basic use of this tool, and explore different methods for engagement and assessment. At the end of this session, participants should be able to design and assess effective learning through activities such as: setting up a course, introducing and annotating lecture slides in real-time, generating questions and receiving immediate feedback with grading for correctness and participation, and setting up quizzes for students to take on their own.

Dr. Elaine Bohorquez

Teaching Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Physiology Graduate Program, NC State University

Presentation Resources

DELTA SS-Top Hat.pdf