Grading Digitally

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

DH Hill Library - ITTC Lab 1

Grading Digital: How to move to a paperless grading system with Moodle: Rubrics, PDF annotation, and more!

Do you have students submit papers and projects in Moodle, then print them all out? Struggling to find a way to be paperless? Grading digitally in Moodle can be a great way for you and students to be transparent about the grading process. In this session we will identify the various tools in Moodle to grade digitally as well as create and utilize rubrics and checklists for grading in a fast and transparent way.

Bethany V. Smith

Associate Director of Instructional Technology Training

DELTA: Distance Education & Learning Technology Applications

Presentation Resources

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Summer Shorts 2017: Grading Digitally

You will have Instructor access to create Assignments.