Using Google Hangouts for Virtual Office Hours

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

DH Hill Library - ITTC Lab 2

Are you interested in communicating and collaborating with your students - live? In this workshop, you will discover how to connect with your students from anywhere and from any device to easily host virtual office hours, facilitate group conversations, and encourage collaboration. Together, we will discuss scenarios and best practices to use Hangouts as an effective collaboration tool. At the end of this session, participants will be able to create and facilitate a Google Hangout session; explain and validate the importance of regular communication, interaction, and feedback of virtual office hours; as well as discuss and describe the benefits and unique features of using Google Hangouts for virtual office hours.

Samantha McCuen

Project Coordinator, DELTA

Christopher Beeson

Instructional Technologist, DELTA

Presentation Resources

Using Google Hangouts for Virtual Office Hours [Presentation]