Raising the Bar Using Interactive Video

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

DH Hill Library - Assembly Room

Take your use of video to the next level by transforming a static video into an interactive experience that engages your students from start to finish. In this session, we will discuss a host of interactive applications and teaching strategies that can be used to enhance video instruction. We will provide an overview of various interactive tools and overlay applications that prompt and enable student feedback. In addition, we will discuss how and when to effectively and appropriately incorporate existing or user created video into your pedagogical practice.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to customize video using End Screens, Cards, and Captioning; explore interactive tools and features used for increasing student engagement; critically evaluate and identify components necessary for “high quality” instructional video; and embed videos in Moodle.

Christopher Beeson

Instructional Technologist, DELTA


Presentation Resources

Raising the Bar Using Interactive Video [Presentation]