The New Kids

“The New Kids”

Being the new kid can be quite scary. Not only are we meeting new people, but we are going to a whole new school. We are the newcomers Jahnya, Rihanna, Joseph, Anastasiya and Jaydenn. We enrolled in the New Brunswick Academy for Gifted and Talented. Our first initial reactions when we were selected was, “Wow! We’re very grateful for having this opportunity to make our education more enhanced, especially when it comes to our work and projects.” It might be a little more work, but we are totally up for the challenge!

A girl once said, “It’s gonna be a great year!!” -Valeria R.

We walked in on the first day of school and entered the building. Valeria, was walking in the classroom, which was really small compared to the one last year. Genesis walked in with her parents with one major difference from last year, her arm was broken! Valeria was shook when she saw her. Besides that, they caught up on summer activities and talked about how they looked forward to the school year. School unites people, and it inspires young learners.

-Genesis M & Valeria R

We were all a bit nervous, but our teachers and new friends made us feel right at home. We are no longer newcomers, we are part of the Academy family and we love it!