

By: Jaquelin, Mari, Christo G., and May

The 5th grade G&T Academy has done many projects in the 1st marking period so far we had learned so many things so far including dissecting seeds,plant matter, making a children's book on an ecosystem which we are in progress of completing.

In science so far we learned about the Gastric brooding frog which was the first phenomenon that we started to learn about. This phenomenon is about a frog that gives birth through it’s mouth, I know gross! It is now extinct but came from Queensland, Australia. Scientist were able to learn about this frog after the process of de-extinction which is when you bring an extinct animal back to life using DNA. We were able to have partners so in this project we were able to practice the skills of partnership. It all concluded in the students doing a model about how the frogs grow and how the mother gives birth, aswell the chemicals the tadpoles produce, and the process of de-extinction.

We also have been doing many fascinating things in science and one of the things is researching about plant matter. We analyzed experiments that scientist had done. The scientist’s name was called Van Helmont. He explained that he did a experiment saying how the tree would grow and how it would get it’s matter. His theory was that most of the plant matter would come from dirt. However Van Helmont was wrong the plant matter was mostly carbon dioxide. We are growing everyday and this is something we will not forget.The project that we the 5th grade academy are on is working on now is a children's book that’s explaining different types of ecosystems. What we are doing for this project so far is researching on a type of biome we want to explain about. Then we draw a friendly model of it which relates the the plant matter project , currently we are now making a food chain to help us make our next page. we are not fully done with this project but we are in the process of working on this. We were learning on different ways a person can find out what a certain animal eats. We learned that one way they do that is by dissecting a dropping that is not really a dropping more like vomit. A owl pellet is basically a hairball that owl throw up that include different bones of an animal that the owl ate.While dissecting we were told to make an observation on what we saw and use a graph of different types of bones from different types of animals to figure out what the owl ate. The animals were shrew,mouse,bird,and mole. We observed the different bones as if we were scientist.There will be many more to come our way. We have been having so much fun learning about different scientific research. We hoped you enjoyed our journey in our wonderful world science! Remember there are still many possibilities in science we can do. Toon in next time, and remember to…

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