Unarmed Exhibition Team

Exhibition is a type of drill in which cadets steer off the road of basic drill. They venture into the world of extraordinary movements that break traditional drill. Due to its complexity, each cadet commander is responsible for creating their respective drill cards, keeping in mind the more difficult they may choose to make it, the greater the likelihood a failure may occur. These events may be executed as a platoon, squad, or by an individual cadet.

Unarmed Exhibition is a drill team with a focus on the drill movements themselves; as they do not have rifles, they are held to a higher expectation of uniformity and precision. In order to perform to their highest potential, they must be extremely innovative and patient.

If you are interested, feel free to contact MSgt Taft, the team's commander, and their assistants.

Unarmed Exhibition Commander

C/CDR Adrienne Gipe

Unarmed Exhibition Assistant

C/CPO Javen Buttry