Q:  Does joining the NJROTC Program obligate me to serve in the United States Military?

A: No. This class in no way obligates you to join the military. However, it will teach every cadet military discipline and values. If you are interested in joining the military, this unit could be your first glimpses into military traditions, drill, and other events which will provide you with many college opportunities.

Q: What does the NJROTC program do?

A. The NJROTC program:

Q. What are the benefits of NJROTC?

A. Benefits include:

Q:  Are Cadets required to wear their uniform daily?

A:  No. While cadets are required to wear their uniforms, they are only required to do so once a week. Cadets are taught to take pride in their uniforms to respect the truth behind it. Cadets'  grades are dependent on their behavior in and outside the classroom as well as how they wear their uniform (Service Dress or otherwise).  If a cadet does not wear the uniform, nor makes up said uniform, he/she will receive a "0" for their uniform inspection and a "0" for their weekly leadership.

Q:  What if the Cadet is absence on uniform day?

A:  If a Cadet is absent, he or she responsible for wearing their uniform the day they return to class for that week. In the event they must leave before their NJROTC period, they must see either Instructor for their grade.

Q. What subjects are included in the curriculum?
A. The wide variety of subjects includes the following:

Q:  Is the NJROTC hard?

A:  The program is challenges cadets to strive to push themselves in preparation for their futures. NJROTC helps develop the self-discipline and self-confidence cadets need to meet future stresses and succeed in adult life.