
The Snare Drum

The snare drum is the usual starting point for beginning percussionists. It consists of a kit containing the drum, stand, sticks, pad and case. In Wellfleet and Eastham students begin on a combination percussion kit. It consists of both Orchestra Bells and Snare Drum. The instrument and the case is heavy (20 lbs).

The Orchestra Bell Kit is what we use for beginning percussion players. This allows the player to learn the rudiments of drumming as well as note reading and melodic playing. It invovles playing music on a bell instrument as well as the drum parts. Players of an Orchestra Bell instrument will be expected to play in the rest of the percussion section as well.

Percussion instruments that we will use in addition to the bells and the snare drum during the first year also include the Bass Drum, Cymbals, Woodblocks and Maracas.

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