Instrumental Music in Eastham and Orleans

Instrumental Demonstration Video

Instrumental exciting choice for your child and you. Students are offered the option of taking lessons on musical instruments during the regular school day .....and.......participating in the school band as they progress in their skills.

Lessons are offered during the regular school day on a "pull-out" basis. Your child will miss the same time period for lessons approximately once every eight to ten weeks. Band meets every week on lesson days starting at 7:00 AM. Lesson days in Orleans are Mondays, and in Eastham it is every Tuesday. Students taking lessons are expected to attend band rehearsals on each lesson day.

By exploring these pages I hope you will find the information that you need to make a better informed decision about the instrument that you want to study. Students have their choice of instruments from the four families of instruments named on this page. Explore these families and learn about the instruments that can be studied during this year in school.

Please explore the instrument possibilities using the links above on the right.

email contact:  

CAH, Instrumental Music Teacher (OES,EES)