New Teacher
PD Resources

New Teacher Binder

IB MYP New Teacher "Binder"

Here is a new teacher "binder" with links and resources about IB and MYP.

Use this document as you review the new teacher binder. It provides guiding questions and prompts for reflection.

What does it mean to be IB ?

What does it mean to be IB ?
What is an IB education.pdf

Intro to Statement of Inquiry

20-21 : Intro to Statements of Inquiry

Participant Doc for PD: Click on the image above or this link will make a copy for you.

Intro to MYP Assessment

20-21: Introduction to MYP Assessment

Participant Doc for PD: Click on the image or this link will make a copy for you.

Intro to Action & Reflection

20-21: Introduction to Unit's Action & Reflection

Participant Doc for PD: Click on the image above or this link will make a copy for you.