Personal Project

The Personal Project is an individual, self-directed project completed in Grade 10. It is a requirement for completion of the Middle Years Programme.

The project must extend beyond what students have learned in their classes. It is not required that all personal projects provide a direct service to the community, but it should allow students to learn the importance of being socially responsible and how to take thoughtful and appropriate action.

Principled action includes:

  • Developing an area of interest that extends beyond the course subjects.

  • Communicating and sharing their learning with others.

  • Changing their behavior as a result of their learning with the understanding that their choices and decisions do make a difference.

  • Reflecting regularly and recording how this process has influenced their actions, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.


  • Evidence of Process (Process Journal): This documents the research process and development throughout the process.

  • A formal written report: The report allows for demonstration of ethical research skills and reflection on the learning process in a written format.

  • An end product or outcome: The Product is the tangible outcome of the process – what is done or made.

Classroom Supports & Resources for Students

The student website has additional information and resources. It is linked to the IHS website under the "Students" tab on the homepage.

22-23 Personal Project: Timeline

General Timeline

Here is a general timeline from August to March that provides structure for students to stay on track with the project.

Most students complete their product/outcome using time in Thanksgiving and/or Winter vacations so we have built time from November to January for students to focus on their products/outcomes.

By April, all projects must be assessed and the scores must be uploaded to IB so all personal projects are due no later than early March.

A: Planning Resources

Research Resources

B: Applying Skills Resources

C: Reflecting Resources

Report Writing Resources

IB Resources & Guides

Sample Projects (from IB)

Role of the Supervisor

Students complete the project independently, but IHS teachers and staff serve as supervisors who meet with students throughout the year to support their progress.

Supervisors are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic nor are they expected to complete ANY of the required work. Instead, supervisors are expected to provide guidance throughout the process.

Students are working in their English 10 classes to receive support on the project.

IB PP Guide for students and supervisors.pdf

Personal Project Assessment Criteria (A-C)

PP Assessment Criteria .pdf

Personal Project Assessment

17-18 Personal Project Supervisors_Assessment Training

Assessment Resources:

Sample IB personal projects (student work and assessment)

Personal Project Teacher Support Material (can be accessed through MyIB)

Google Form to submit scores