IB Framework

The IB framework is comprehensive and places learning at the heart of an IB World School community that:

  • successfully integrates the IB philosophy within their school’s unique context

  • shares a purpose with the IB’s mission that builds into a solid approach to education

  • develops a learning environment sustained by effective structures, organizational practice and resources

  • fosters a dynamic school culture centred on holistic, inclusive learning communities

  • positively influences local, national and international contexts

  • creates student learning experiences of the highest quality possible.

The school community, with the IB, co-creates high-quality education that makes a better world.

  • From the Programme Standards and Practices


Purpose: Sharing an important mission

The IB’s mission is central to its work with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. This powerful mission that drives learning informs the development of each IB World School—as well as the IB’s larger global community of students and their families, teachers and supporters. IB World Schools strive to help realize this purpose for learning within their own local, state, national, international and global contexts.


Environment: Providing essential structures, systems and resources

School environments include the human, natural, built and virtual resources through which learning experiences take place. They cover facilities and technology; human and financial resources; assets of culture and language; the allocation of time; and decisions about how schools divide, group and coordinate responsibilities. School environments differ widely, and a wide range of local contexts can support the successful implementation of IB programmes. The learning environment is the context in which learning happens, and the conditions the school designs and develops to enhance student learning experiences. The learning environment includes evidence of the school’s culture and purpose.


Culture: Creating positive school cultures

School culture refers to the written and unwritten rules that define how a school functions. It also encompasses personal and collective well-being, the effective utilization of physical and human resources, and the extent to which a school acknowledges and celebrates diversity.


Learning: Ensuring effective education

Learning in the IB community celebrates the many ways people work together to construct meaning and make sense of the world. Through the interplay of asking, doing and thinking, this constructivist approach leads towards open, democratic classrooms. IB students and teachers are lifelong learners, independently and in collaboration with others. Learning communities in IB World Schools engage in cycles of inquiry, action and reflection that lead to deeper understanding and a lifetime of learning. Learning is the central tenet, as well as the outcome, of developing purpose, culture, and environment in IB schools.

Programme Standards and Practices: Helping Schools Grow

Programme standards and practices_ Helping schools grow.mp4