Business and Careers

Computer Hardware

0.50 units

20 weeks/everyday

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Average

Prerequisite: none

Final Exam: Per teacher

In this class we study the physical components of computers, and not just desktops and laptops.  Students will take a deep dive into five main component categories of a computer, which are memory, processing, input, output, and power.  The class will take apart many different machines to see their components and learn about what makes something a computer or not.  Also covered is the history of computers, where we will look at some older computer parts and see how they have evolved into what can be found today. 

Introduction to Computer Programming

0.50 units

20 weeks/everyday

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Average

Prerequisite: none

Final Exam: Per teacher

This class is designed to give students a general overview of computer programming, picking up where they left off in elementary school.  We start with a couple of Scratch projects, then move into using more professional coding languages like Python, Javascript, HTML, etc.  There is a capstone project at the end of the course where students will show what they have learned.  It is designed to be for any beginners interested in learning to program, and by the end students will be making their own web pages, programming motors for a robot, or making their own video games.

Academic Leadership

0.50 or 1.00 unit

40 weeks/every day or every other

day OR 20 weeks/every day

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11 and 12 

Reading Level:  Mixed  

Prerequisite:  Approved Application

Final Exam:  None


This is an opportunity for independent students to serve as peer tutors and/or student teaching assistants in the classroom.  Participation requires commitment, self-initiative and strong interpersonal skills. Students may be assigned to assist peers in learning labs or to support teachers' work within a class.  Students will be under the direction of a teacher, administrator or counselor. Responsibilities and roles may vary depending on assignment.  This course requires enrollment for the entirety of the school year.  Applications are required for consideration.  Upon approval, students must sign a commitment contract. Some students in the extracurricular club Peer Leadership may also be allowed to enrolled in the Academic Leadership course for credit