
Studio Art

1.00 unit

40 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Grade level, Art 7/8

Final Exam: Projects/critiques/test

This is a foundation course in art, focusing on the learning standards for art education set by the NYS “frameworks” for the arts which include art production and media, art analysis, historical and cultural contributions and using art resources. The basic elements of art will be encountered and studied and applied to student work. Student will study color theory, design principles, compositional principles, drawing and painting using various media, sculpture and architectural principles and graphic design. Movements, trends and the nature of art will also be explored. Students will also learn how to discuss and write about art. Students who take Art in 7th can take this course in 8th if it can fit into their schedule-note that this cannot be guaranteed. This is a prerequisite for all art courses.


0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, or 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken directly after Studio Art in 10th or 11th grade

Final Exam: Project

This course explores the variety of techniques and skills needed for development of drawing expertise. Using observation drawing as a foundation, students will be introduced to several techniques and apply them to creative problem solving. Students will use a variety of media including pencil, charcoal, pastels, and pen and ink. Students will keep a folder of class work, research, sketches, and a portfolio of finished work. Drawing from life will be the main focus of the course.


0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken directly after Studio Art in 10th or 11th grade

Final Exam: Project

Students will explore various painting techniques using still life, portrait, photographic references and intuitive skills as a foundation. Students will develop an understanding of color theory, composition, and a variety of styles. This course has a strong focus on painting in acrylic paint, although we will explore watercolor, gouache, and ink. Students will keep a folder of class work, research, sketches, and a portfolio of finished work.


0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken directly after Studio Art in 10th or 11th grade

Final Exam: Project

Students will explore various painting techniques using still life, portrait, photographic references and intuitive skills as a foundation. Students will develop an understanding of color theory, composition, and a variety of styles. This course has a strong focus on painting in acrylic paint, although we will explore watercolor, gouache, and ink. Students will keep a folder of class work, research, sketches, and a portfolio of finished work.

Gemini Digital Photography (FLCC: ART 110)

.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11 and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken after Studio Art, Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture in 12th grade

Final Exam: Projects

Photography is an art course. It covers the history, nature, and function of photography, the creative use of the camera, and the various technical processes involved. Students will develop a strong sense of two-dimensional design, sharpen their visual perception skills, and learn to see the world with an aesthetic sense. Students will explore the new technology of computer imaging. Students are required to compile a personal portfolio of mounted photographs for final evaluation, exhibition, and possible college entrance reviews. This course can be taken through FLCC for dual credit for a fee. See your school counselor for details. Students can earn up to 3 college credits for taking this course, depending on the decision of the college they attend.

Advanced Art

0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 11 and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken after Studio Art, Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture in 12th grade

Final Exam: Portfolio

This course will offer an intense study of the variety of art media. There will be a focus on portfolio development for students in furthering studies in art or students requiring a portfolio for Regents credit. Strong emphasis will be placed on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will be encouraged to explore areas of interest.

Comic Book Illustration

0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art

Final Exam: Project

Concepts in illustration are introduced to expand student capabilities to solve visual problems with creative, individual, and expressive imagery. Students will use Adobe Photoshop to enhance traditional work methods and acquire important knowledge in the digital domain. In directed class assignments, students are exposed to the fundamental principles and practices of illustration. Methods, processes, and techniques of visually communicating ideas are explored. This course also offers an intensive introduction to the language of storytelling in comics, specifically full-page and multi-page story.


0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art; recommended to be taken directly after Studio Art in either 10th or 11th grade

Final Exam: Project

Studio in Sculpture is an advanced course. The course is designed to offer both aesthetic and technical experience so that the student will be able to understand and appreciate this art form, acquired dexterity, sensitivity, and mastery of technique. Course units include fundamentals of art in three-dimensional design, styles, techniques, processes, materials, and tools. Sculpture will be created by carving, modeling, casting, and constructing.

Mixed Media

0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art

Final Exam: Portfolio

Mixed Media is an advanced art class that will delve into conceptual art and its creation. This course will explore visual communication and the relationship between the artist and the viewer. Students will use a variety of media to create both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional work and site-specific installation. An emphasis will be placed on self-exploration, critical thinking and problem solving skills to create a final cohesive body of work. A completed portfolio will be required as well as exhibition and critical evaluation.

Digital Media and Graphic Design

0.50 units

40 weeks/every other day

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: 9th grade

Prerequisite: Studio Art

Final Exam: Portfolio

Digital Media and Graphic Design is a course designed with both digital and traditional art media in mind. Students will gain exposure to and experience with image creation and manipulation. This course will emphasize strengthening visual communication skills and understanding aesthetic choices. They will be expected to engage in critical dialogue in an effort to utilize and strengthen their understanding of design principles. A portfolio of student work will be required for a final grade. This course will be in the spring when offered.


0.50 units

20 weeks/5 periods per week

Grade Level: 10, 11, and 12

Reading Level: Mixed

Prerequisite: Studio Art

Final Exam: Project and Digital Portfolio

Introduction to printmaking explores a wide variety of printmaking techniques. Throughout the half-year course students will become familiar with the following techniques: collograph, linocut, woodcut, drypoint, monoprint, multi-media, and experimental printmaking. Students will learn how to print single and multiple layer images, create an edition, and how to mat and exhibit prints. A study of the work of both traditional and contemporary printmakers and basic guidelines for creating well-designed images will create a solid foundation upon which students can develop new techniques and ideas