Concurrent Session One

Improving Early College Access for All through a Collaborative Initiative by a State University -

Dr. Olcay Yavuz & Dr. Trudy Milburn

Improving Early College Access for All through a Collaborative Initiative by a State University

This session explores a collaborative initiative undertaken by a state university aimed at advancing social justice through the design and implementation of a transformative Early College Program. The conceptual framework, practical strategies, and background of this initiative are presented, shedding light on the underlying principles and motivations driving this collaborative approach. With a focus on equity and college access for all, the article introduces the university's efforts to promote an inclusive Early College Program accessible to all students. This collaborative approach highlights the importance of fostering partnerships among both internal and external partners of Institutions of Higher Education (IHE). By sharing insights into the conceptual framework, the article aims to inspire similar initiatives and contribute to the ongoing dialogue promoting early college experiences for all.

Dr. Olcay Yavuz

Southern Connecticut State University Early College

Dr. Olcay Yavuz is, Early College Faculty Coordinator at Southern Connecticut State University, and an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department where he teaches courses in School Law, School Finance, Doctoral Inquiry Seminar, Leadership Perspectives, Program and Personnel Evaluation, Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership, Organizational Development, Advanced Research Methods, Learning Theories, Leadership Development, School Leader Field-Based Internship as well as Dissertation Advisement and Defense. His research focuses on improving the college and career readiness of underprivileged students, comprehensive school counseling framework, program evaluation, and leadership development.

Dr. Trudy Milburn

Southern Connecticut State University Early College
