FAQs: Assignment Submission

Please note: This FAQ assumes that you will be using a mobile device for accessing Google Classroom. You may use the PC, but the screenshots shown below will be different.

Q1. Where do I find my assignment?

Step 1: All your assignments will be available in the "Classwork" Section. You will find this button on the lower part of your mobile screen.

Step 2: You will be able to identify assignments by searching for this icon. Click on the Assignment

Step 3: Read the instructions. You will also find an attachment which will have the question paper. Click on the attachment to open the question paper

Q2. Where do I write my answers?

You will write your answers in your notebooks. After you are done, you will click a photo of your page and upload it. 

Q3. What if I have multiple pages?

You will be able to upload (max) 5 photos. If your answer pages exceed 5, then you will instead create a PDF and upload it as a single file.

Q4. Which file formats will be accepted for submitting my assignments?

For assignments that require you to submit your work done on a notebook page, you can upload any image file (like a jpg or png) which is clicked from mobile phone camera. There are a lot of tools to create a PDF file - a pdf file can have a lot of pages internally. Use any of pdf creation tools in case you have many pages.

Q5. How do I upload photos and files?

Step 1: Go to the assignment

Step 2:  Locate "Your work" section at the bottom of your mobile screen.

Step 3: Expand it upwards

Step 4: Click on "Add Attachment"

Step 5: Click on "Take Photo" if your are uploading  image (s) (less than 5). 

Else if you have many pages, then you will need to click on "New PDF"

Step 6: You will see your photo (or file) attached.  After attaching all files, click on "Hand in" or "Turn in"