2021 Weekly Progress

This is what we did in 2021!

12/14/21 - Cards!

We received Christmas cards from the Regulators and Accelerators and NMRC!

12/9/21 - Bell Ringers

Last Tuesday, some of our team members rang the bell for the Salvation Army! We have also been collecting food for our school's food shelf.

11/30/21 - Whiteboard Shenanigans

Only the most important work is being done here.

11/23/21 - Trashbot

The designing stage for our junkyard bot is underway. We have also been working on our second, t-shirt firing bot.

11/18/21 - The Long Download...

The programmers are downloading Git and it is taking a while. Everything is loading so slow! We have been watching memes to pass the time.

11/9/21 - Guess Who's Back?

We are back from our break and ready to dominate!

10/26/21 - Results

Team 3277 competed in the Northern Minnesota Robotics Conference Championship in our annual "off-season" competition on Friday. After the qualification rounds, we finished with a record of 4-2 and were sitting in 6th place out of 17 teams. We were selected in the first round by team 3294 to play on their alliance along with team 3275. We won both semi-final matches but lost both of the final matches, so we finished in 2nd place.

Back: Coach Tad Olsonawski & Digi-Key Mentors Chris Kramer & Allen Aldinger

Middle: Coach Natasha Olsonawski, Jackson Ingram, Nick Purcell, Abrianna Hanson

Front: Nick Svir, Megan Fuhrer, Aiden Warne, Liam Martell

10/26/21 - Anticipation

We are super excited for the NMRC Championship on October 29th and the NMRC Open event on October 30th!

10/19/21 - Moving Along

The practice continues. We have also been working some more on our second bot.

10/14/21 - Climbing Bars

We have made a climbing bar to practice on. We have also been modifying Sheev's climber. To help prevent it from sliding, we have added rubber pieces to the tips.

10/5/21 - Scheduling

So far, Tuesdays and Thursdays are driving practice and Wednesdays are for programmers.

9/30/21 - We're Back!

We have returned, and are ready for this year's competitions!

5/20/21 - Until Next Season!

We will be taking a break until next season. Thanks for sticking with us!

5/6/21 - Moving Forward

We are currently working on a second robot, though we don't know what it will do.

4/27/21 - Back Together!

After the competitions, we took a short break. Now, we are together again and thinking about what we should do next!

4/15/21 - Excitement Rising...

As the date of the competitions draws near, our team has been finishing up the final things we need to get done. 

4/9/21 - Preparations

Our team has been preparing for the upcoming competitions and working on a second robot that may or may not be used in the future. Also, happy National Robotics Week!

3/31/21 - Reaching New Heights

We have been building and installing a climber for Sheev. It is needed to help us gain more points in a competition.

3/25/21 - Competitions

We have been practicing and recording various at-home competitions. Our robot will also be judged on Saturday, so the team has been preparing for that.

3/18/21 - T-shirts!

Our t-shirts and hoodies came in! Everyone looks great!

3/11/21 - Teamwork!

This week, we have been practicing for the Interstellar Accuracy Challenge.  In this challenge, the drivers have to make the robot shoot balls, or "lemons," into two targets. Because of the current COVID-19 situation, we will have to record it instead of competing in person.

3/4/21 - Lighting the Way

Sheev's lights are up and running! The programmers have also been working on the autonomous part of the competition.

2/25/21 - Lemons! 

Whether they are a fun snack or things that Sheev can launch, lemons are an important part of the team. 

2/18/21 - Work, Work, Work 

 Building and testing are still going on. We have also been building things the drivers need to practice.

2/11/21 - Road Rage

 The drivers have been practicing their driving for the skills competition. Unfortunately, Sheev tends to have a mind of his own. We have been talking to the programmers via discord to fix the problems.

2/4/21 - Mentors!

 As we continue to work, we want to take a moment to thank our mentors for all of the help and support they have given us. This team would not be the same without you guys!

1/28/21 - The Work Continues...

The work on Sheev continues, and several tests have been run to determine what needs to be altered. 

1/21/21 - Makeover!

It's been a while, but the Robotics team is back together with some new (and old) members. Currently, we are deciding which challenges we should participate in and our robot, Sheev, is getting a makeover!