This Is My Brain in Love

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This Is My Brain in Love by I. W. Gregorio

Text from the back cover:

Jocelyn Wu just wants to make it through her junior year without dying of boredom.  Will Domencici wants to find a paying summer internship and prove he has what it takes to beome an editor on his school paper.  Then Jocelyn's father tells her their family restaurant may be going under.  Because her dad has the marketing skills of a dumpling, it's up to Jocelyn and her unlikely new employee, Will, to bring A-Plus Chinese Garden into the 21st century (or, at least, to Facebook).  What starts off as a rocky partnership soon grows into something more.  But family prejudices threaten to keep Will and Jocelyn apart.  It will take everything they have to save the family 

Visit I.W. Gregorio's author page.

Ms. Sharp's quick review:  I love these people!