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Retro by Sofia Lapuente and Jarrod Shusterman

Text from the back cover:

After a cyberbullying incident at her school, Luna Iglesias finds herself at the heart of a brewing controversy.  When the social media company limbo sweeps in with an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and receive a scholarship to the college of her dreams, she's happy to jump on the trend.  It's called the Retro Challenge, where contestants live without modern technology, wear vintage clothes, party as if the future weren't already written, and fall in love as if they were living in a movie.  At first, the challenge is fun.  But then kids start disappearing, including Luna's friends.  Unless she can figure out the truth behind who's sabotaging the challenge, the next person to disappear may be Luna herself.

Visit Sofia Lapuente's author page.

Visit Jarrod Shusterman's author page.

Ms. Sharp's quick review:  This book has EVERYTHING!