A Thousand Steps Into Night

Image can be found at:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/brunkfordbraun/4283286680

A Thousand Steps Into Night by Traci Chee

Text from the back cover:

In the realm of Awara, where gods, monsters, and humans exist side by side, Miuko is an ordinary girl resigned to a safe, if uneventful, existence as an innkeeper's daughter.  But when Miuko is cursed and begins to transform into a demon with a deadly touch, she embarks on a quest to reverse the curse and return to her normal life.  Aided by a thieving magpie spirit and continuously thwarted by a demon prince, Miuko must outfox tricksters, escape demon hunters, and negotiate with feral gods.  With her transformation comes power and freedom she never dreamed of, and she'll have to decide if saving her soul is worth trying to cram herself back into an ordinary life that no longer fits her, and perhaps never did.

Visit Traci Chee's author page.

Ms. Sharp's quick review:  AMAZING story!  (I would stay a demon, btw...)