
STS-116; Curbeam, Jr., Robert L.; Fuglesang, Christer. Image. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 7 Aug. 2020. school.eb.com/levels/high/assembly/view/129969. Accessed 1 Dec. 2020.

Endurance: My Year in Space and How I Got There by Scott Kelly with Margaret Lazarus Dean

Text from the back cover:

How does a boy struggling in school become an American hero and a space pioneer? Because he believes, "If you can dream it, you can do it." Scott Kelly made use of daredevil behavior, sibling rivalry, inspiration, courage, and endurance to reach his goal. This checklist of attributes put Scott on a rocket that launched him into space, allowed him to break a record during his inspiring year aboard the International Space Station, and showed human beings the qualities needed to go from Earth to Mars -- and beyond.

Visit the International Space Station's website called ISS20 for more information about the past as well as present missions and occupants. We are celebrating 20 years of continuous occupation of the International Space Station!

Could you be an astronaut?