
Roxy by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman 

Text from the back cover:

Above our world is a toxic wonderland where the Party has raged for centuries.  Humans know the partygoers simply as "narcotics," "opioids," [or] "drugs."  But here they are malevolent gods, toying with the fates of mortals.  Roxy and Addison have made a wager to see who can be lethal the quickest.  

Isaac and Ivy Ramey are their targets.  Isaac is desperate to push past an ankle injury that may jeopardize his chances for a soccer scholarship.  Ivy is under- stimulated and overmedicated.

They are perfect marks for Roxy and Addison.  This is the start of a race to the bottom that will determine life and death.  One Ramey will land on their feet.  The other will be lost to the Party.

The only question is...which one?

Visit Neal Shusterman's website.

Visit Jarrod Shusterman's official author page with Simon & Schuster.

Ms. Sharp's quick review:  These characters...they pull you in!