Our construction company makes it a priority to keep important UK building licences so that all of our projects are the safest, best, and most professionally done they can be. Here's how we go about getting and keeping these accreditations:

Considerate Constructors Scheme: We're happy to be a part of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which shows that we care about using responsible building methods. This programme puts the health and safety of the community, workers, and environment first by preventing problems, keeping things clean, and building good relationships with everyone involved.

Contractor Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS): We have been accredited by CHAS, which shows that our health and safety management systems are strong. This certification shows that we are committed to making sure our workers and suppliers have safe places to work.

Builders Quality Assurance (BQA): Our BQA certifications are right for the type of building, like new construction or repair. These certifications show that we are dedicated to using high-quality building methods so that every job meets or beats the highest standards in the business.

By actively getting and maintaining important UK building accreditations like CHAS, BQA, and membership in the Considerate Constructors Scheme, we show that we are committed to safety, quality, and success on every project we work on.

Our Commitment:

Health and safety compliance:

We follow the building (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), which spell out everyone's clear roles and responsibilities in the building project to keep health and safety standards high throughout its entire life. We also follow the Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Act 1992 and the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2016, making sure that our workers are safe and healthy by giving them the right processes and tools.

Building Regulations and Standards:

Our building projects follow the Building Regulations 2010 (as modified), which make sure that the buildings are safe, fire-resistant, energy-efficient, and easy to get to. We look over important Approved Documents (ADs), like AD C (Site Waste Management) and AD L (Fuel and Power Conservation), to make sure the library plan meets certain standards.

Sustainability initiatives:

In line with the Climate Change Act of 2008 and Building Regulations Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Power), we use environmentally friendly building methods to cut down on our carbon footprint. We use eco-friendly products and put in technology that saves energy to promote long-term sustainability and care for the earth.

Accessibility compliance:

In line with the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, we make sure that all of our customers have fair access by building our libraries with things like ramps, lifts, and bathrooms that are easy for people with disabilities to use. We are dedicated to making sure that people with disabilities can enter and use our space.

By following these norms and standards, we guarantee that the construction project prioritizes safety, health, quality, sustainability, and accessibility. We will collaborate closely with certified specialists to ensure that all regulatory standards are met during the construction process.