We are excited to start planning and building King Egbert School a brand-new Library Learning Centre with classrooms and IT suites. This project is part of the UK Government's Department for Education school building plan.

Our goals

Modern and exciting Learning Hub: Our goal is to create a new and useful library learning center that encourages students to love learning and supports innovative ways of teaching.

Flexible Learning Spaces: We will offer a range of flexible learning spaces to meet the needs of all of our students. These will include a well-stocked library, dedicated classes, and high-tech IT areas.

Welcoming and Inclusive Environment: We are committed to making the school a nice place where all students and workers can feel welcome.

Meeting High Standards: The building will follow all UK building rules and standards, which will ensure quality and safety.

The Project Scope :

We will build a new one-story building on the spot of the old King Egbert School.

There will be a library, classes, computer labs, staff areas, bathrooms and other places inside the building.

It is planned to have 1500 m² of gross floor space.

Durable Brick Cladding: For the exterior of the building, we used brick cladding. This solution provides longevity,  doesn't need much upkeep, and has a classic look that fits in with an educational setting.

Energy-Efficient Roof Design:The design of the roof will focus on saving energy and using environmentally friendly materials whenever possible. One way to let natural light in is through skylights.

All over the building, double-glazed windows will be put in to meet thermal performance standards and make it more energy efficient.

A geotechnical study will be carried out to find the best type of base for the new building.

The design of the substructure will take into account both the building code and the possible situations in the surroundings.

Main features:

A wide and inviting library room will be designed to encourage reading, research, and quiet study.

Flexible Classrooms: We'll set up flexible learning spaces with the latest technology so that different ways of teaching can be used and students can work together.

Advanced IT Suites: The IT suites will have cutting-edge technology built in to help kids learn digitally and get ready for the future.

Accessibility for All: The building will have features like ramps, lifts, and accessible bathrooms to make it easy for people with disabilities to get in and out.

Sustainable Building Methods: Being environmentally friendly is very important to us. We will talk about building products that use less energy, green energy sources like solar panels, and systems that collect rainwater.