Best practices and business standards are being used to build the King Egbert School Library Learning Centre. We find the Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) to be very helpful.

What is BCIS?

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and other workers in the UK building industry use BCIS as a key tool. It gives accurate price and cost data from several sites connected to real estate and buildings.

BCIS offers a full range of services to help people in the building business make smart choices, such as:

Schedule of Rates: Current pricing information for building materials, labor, and equipment.

Benchmarking Data:  Compares costs with similar projects to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

Building Cost Indices: These keep an eye on changes in building prices over time to help with planning and spending.

Forecasting Tools: These help you guess how costs will change in the future and lower the risks that might happen.

The information and data from BCIS help our project team make smart choices about materials, building methods, and the total project budget. This makes sure that we provide a good place to learn while also getting the most for the school.