Contest Entries

Link to list of Contest Postings


Students are encouraged to enter in contests. Please choose contests that are only open to high school students. (It doesn't make good sense to enter contests where our work will be put up against professional film/video producers.) Use the link above to see some of the contests that have been shared with Ms. Kramer.

Learning Quests:

Quest 1:

    • Determine a specific focus for your studies. A good idea would be to learn about the contest style.
    • Another consideration is that you produce the video for your own reasons or your own client--but then submit your (revised) piece to the contest in the correct category.
    • Your reading/research should take at least 3-5 class periods. Because of the nature of this strand, it is likely that your reading/research/training will take no longer than that time. This includes both the time to find the material(s) and to read/watch/practice with them.
      • Please make sure that your production is appropriate to air on Channel 19. And that it follows all the criteria of the contest--this includes copyright clearances and avoidance of trademarks.
    • Consider looking for articles in magazines or journals, online tutorials or samples, chapters in books from the editing lab's shelves, or other resources. Your research should yield some new understanding of technique, or style.

Production Quests:

Quest 2: Learning through Production

    • Apply your new understanding to the planning of your production. Your production should demonstrate the incorporation of the new knowledge developed through your research.
      • Some project ideas include:
        • Motion Graphics / Animated Text
        • Stop Motion Animation
        • etc.
    • Create / Plan
    • Produce
    • Self-Assess / Track Alignment to AVP Standards

Quest 3: Screening and Reflection

    • Reflection
      • Post video by doing BOTH of the following:
        • Uploading exported video to Multimedia Server (
        • Uploading exported video to the "Gertie" Server (click on galaxy, then type Command-K, connect to the smb://multimediafiles/HSTVStudio server, and upload)
      • Reflect on the final product
        • Respond to the work
          • Complete the blue reflection form (available in links on left side of this page); make your own copy of the document; complete in your Google Drive, then share completed reflection with Ms. Kramer.
          • Create a blog post ( that demonstrates your reflection. As appropriate, please consider discussing the following:
            • How the production ended up being the way it is.
            • Strengths you see in the final work.
            • Weaknesses you hope to address in a revision or in future work.
            • Connect your work to other artists and other works
    • Screening
      • Screen the work for the class, sharing your insights and what you've learned through the process of producing the work. Moderate a discussion of your peers' positive comments and constructive criticism.

Revision Quests:

Quest 4: Revise and re-release

    • Revision is NOT an option for contest entries. After screening, you must revise the work to strengthen weaknesses.
    • You are responsible for all entry fees (unless you enter into TVT, in which case Ms. Kramer has covered your fee.)
    • Using your reflections and your peers' reviews and comments, create and plan a revision of the work. Your revision must represent a major rethinking and/or reshooting of the project.
      • Minor changes are welcomed and encouraged on your submitted works; however, they will not qualify as a full revision.
    • Produce the revised work.
    • Screen the revised work in class (please note: you will not screen the revision on a regular screening day).
    • Connect: work with peers to discuss the improvements and recognize new strengths and possible weaknesses.