Health Professions Advising

Health professions advising is available to you as soon as you are admitted to Mount Holyoke and continuing through the time that you matriculate at a professional school. The Office of Health Professions Advising provides guidance on exploring careers, choosing courses, planning internships, preparing for entrance exams, working through the application process, and practice interviews. We hold regular events and often invite alums and other local health professionals and schools to speak with students. Applicants to medical, dental, optometry and podiatry schools may request a letter of evaluation from the Committee on the Health Professions. This “committee letter” provides a comprehensive summary of all aspects of your preparation.

How pre-health students can stay informed:

Health Professions 101 Sep 2023.mp4

"Health Professions 101" View our introductory presentation about how the pre-health office can support you, resources available, and how to connect with us.