
Our office works with students and alums of any class year who are ready to apply.

Are you planning to enter professional school in 2025? Visit our 2025 cycle timeline page.

Abena Bosompem '18

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Amanda Manaster '19

University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Jennifer Gonzalez-Santos '17

Yale University School of Nursing

Shanza Noeen '18

Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Where to begin?

The first step in preparing an application to health profession school is an honest self evaluation. It is critical to determine not only whether you are a well qualified applicant, but also whether you can make space in your life for the application process itself. 

Successful applicants to health profession schools exceed the schools' minimum requirements and begin work on the application process early, leaving plenty of time for self reflection and writing the strongest possible application.

Connect with the pre-health office about your application at least two years in advance of when you hope to enter professional school, and meet early and regularly with the pre-health advisor. Create a spreadsheet to record each aspect of the application process you need to complete, for every school to which you apply. Pay special attention to deadlines, and send your materials well in advance.

When should I apply?

The precise time when you are fully qualified and personally ready to apply is different for everyone. Applying to professional school is time consuming, costly, and emotionally taxing. It is never advisable to apply “just to see what happens,” especially if you know and/or are counseled that your qualifications do not make you a competitive applicant. 

Learn about professional school qualifications and self assessment.

Most Mount Holyoke graduates complete 1-2 years of work, or a graduate degree, before attending professional school. 

Key reasons why entering professional school 1-2 years after graduation is often the right choice:

What should I do with my gap year(s)?

"I don't want to waste my time..."

Agreed! Use your time wisely and effectively. Here are some of the top pursuits of alums prior to professional school matriculation: