Post-baccalaureate coursework

You can view our presentation on post-baccalaureate programs here.

If you decide to look into post-baccalaureate program options, the most comprehensive database of post-baccalaureate programs is available from the Association of American Medical Colleges. A smaller list, but more useful for looking only at programs housed at schools of osteopathic medicine, is available from the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.

Taking courses as a non-degree student

Many institutions will allow individuals to register for individual courses even if the student is not enrolled full time or seeking a degree at that institution. This is an option whether you are taking prerequisite courses for the first time, repeating courses, or taking new, advanced courses to enhance your academic record.

Benefits of this approach


Career changer programs

Career-changer programs are designed for students who have taken few to none of the prerequisite courses for their intended professional program. These are not graduate programs, but some offer a certificate of completion. Structured programs have a strong support system, with at least one pre-health advisor and access to professors. They are mostly designed for students who can be enrolled full-time and can complete the program within the required time frame. Unstructured programs may be more appropriate for students who cannot be enrolled full-time and need to take courses at their own pace.

Benefits of this approach


Examples of career changer programs

This is not an exhaustive list.

Academic record enhancer programs

Enhancement programs provide an opportunity for students to strengthen their professional school qualifications by taking advanced science courses. These programs usually offer a certificate or a Master’s degree. Students should be cautious about science and health graduate programs that are not explicitly designed around enhancing the academic record of pre-health students, as such programs may not increase professional school qualifications as needed. Discuss options with the pre-health office.

Benefits of this approach:


Examples of record enhancer programs

This is not an exhaustive list.

Not pre-med?

Most post-baccalaureate programs were designed with pre-medical student needs in mind, although many can effectively accommodate students preparing for entrance to schools of dentistry and veterinary medicine. Likewise, unstructured programs can often serve students interested in any health profession, provided they offer the courses that you need.

If you are interested in a program that is focused on your career of interest, there are a few that are intentionally designed with non-pre-medical students in mind. 

Note: Even if you are not a pre-med student, be sure to read the information in the accordion paragraphs above, as it is applicable to all!

Pre-dental programs

Pre-nursing programs

Pre-PA programs

Pre-occupational therapy programs