Academic planning

Health profession schools assess applicants on a range of qualifications, and academics are a critical element. Each individual's selection and timing of courses will vary, so we will work with you to develop an academic plan that makes sense and fits your particular wishes, needs, and goals.

Some tips for starting out:

If your learning and grades are not where they need to be in order to successfully apply to professional school, be proactive in seeking support. If it's a STEM course you're struggling in, go to PLUMS. Seek tutoring if needed. Use study groups. Go to office hours. Sit at the front of the room in class. Work with your academic advisor, and seek advice from pre-health students who are farther along in their process. And connect with the pre-health office. We are not here to judge, but to support. Let's talk about what's going on, how you can address it, and whether it may affect the choices you make about moving forward in future courses.

Academic Check In October 2023 FINAL.mp4

Presentation, Fall 2023

Presentation and Q&A about academic planning for the health professions. 

Academic Check In Oct 2023.pdf

Slides, Fall 2023

Updated slides from the 2022 presentation and Q&A

Questions for self reflection and draft 4 year plan.pdf


Self reflection questions and space for a draft 4-year plan

Common coursework questions

Can my advanced high school courses meet pre-health requirements?

Professional schools usually do not accept Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Advanced Level credits as meeting their requirements. If you have such credit in any of the required fields, you should speak with a pre-health advisor. In many cases, students in this situation take the same number of prerequisite courses as other students, but some are taken at a higher level.

Regarding dual-enrollment or other college courses taken in high school, a good rule of thumb is that if you can get an original transcript from a two- or four-year college, showing a C or higher in a given course, then it should be accepted by professional schools.

Whether Mount Holyoke will grant credit toward graduation or allow you to begin in more advanced classes based on your advanced high school coursework is a separate consideration. Please be familiar with the Mount Holyoke policy regarding transfer and advanced placement credit.

What should I major in?

There is no such thing as a pre-med or pre-health major at Mount Holyoke, and you do not need to major in a science to be a competitive applicant to health profession schools. While many successful applicants are science majors, professional schools are equally interested in non-science majors, recognizing the diversity of thought and worldview such applicants offer. All applicants must show strong records in the specific courses, standardized tests and non-academic experiences that are set forth as requirements for admission.

So when it comes to selecting a major, pick the path that you are excited about and that offers courses that will challenge you throughout your time in college.

Can I withdraw, or take a course ungraded?

All prerequisite courses must be taken for a grade in order for them to be accepted by professional schools. Most schools will also require that you earn at minimum a C in any prerequisite course. Nevertheless, there may be a time when you consider withdrawing from a course after add/drop has ended, or converting a course to ungraded. We recommend you discuss the choices with your academic and pre-health advisors, as each situation is different. You should be aware of the following when making your decision:

* Summer courses offered at the Five Colleges are different and can be used to repeat a course.

Can I study abroad or away?

Study abroad or elsewhere in the U.S. broadens your cultural and academic experience and is looked upon favorably by health profession schools. A semester, year or summer away can be an excellent opportunity to take courses that you might not otherwise have taken and to explore topics from new viewpoints.

Study away also requires careful planning. We do not recommend taking pre-health prerequisite courses outside of the United States, because professional schools may not accept them. If study abroad plans take you away from courses required for professional school, you may wish to offset that by taking those courses in summer school or completing them after graduation. Alternatively, you might choose a summer study abroad program so that you can remain on campus during the regular academic semesters. Advance planning will help you anticipate and avoid potential conflicts.

Students seeking a study abroad program with a health focus can explore the programs on this document and may wish to view this presentation. Anyone wishing to study abroad should make an appointment with the Study Abroad office via Pathways.

What do I need to know about Five College courses?

It is acceptable and sometimes necessary to take some pre-health prerequisite courses at other institutions within the Five Colleges. You may also choose to take other interesting courses (check this great list of health-related courses offered across the Five Colleges). In addition to following Mount Holyoke College and Five College guidelines around registering for courses at another campus, keep the following in mind:

Can I take summer courses?

There are some good reasons for taking one or more summer courses:

There are also disadvantages to taking a course over the summer:

As a general rule, one or two summer courses is fine. Overall, most prerequisite courses should be completed at your home institution. 

For planning non-academic summer experiences, work with the Career Development Center and the Office of Health Professions Advising.

Can community college courses meet pre-health requirements?

Professional schools vary in how they evaluate community college courses. A small number of professional schools may not accept community college courses as prerequisites. In most cases, however, some prerequisite courses at community college is fine. 


While these situations are not cause for concern, it is prudent to be aware of how professional schools might evaluate any courses taken away from Mount Holyoke College. We recommend discussing options with a pre-health advisor.

How do I transfer credits to Mount Holyoke?

It’s important to distinguish between courses required for you to complete your degree and graduate from Mount Holyoke, versus courses needed as prerequisites for the professional school you hope to enter. In many cases these courses will overlap, but in some cases they will not. When it comes to transferring credits, these two types of courses can be considered differently.

Courses taken to meet graduation requirements: To get credit toward graduation, a course taken outside of the Five Colleges must be transferred to Mount Holyoke College. You may wish to read about the Mount Holyoke policy regarding transfer and credit.

All other courses: If you take a course outside of the Five Colleges because it is a prerequisite for professional school, you may not need to transfer the credit. When you apply to professional school, you will submit transcripts from all institutions you have attended, whether or not credits were transferred to Mount Holyoke College.

Five College courses taken during the academic year are not considered transfer credits. These courses will automatically appear on your Mount Holyoke transcript, with a grade.

Unsure whether or not to transfer credits? Please speak with an advisor.

Support and resources

There are many ways to get additional support as you complete your studies at Mount Holyoke:

More academic planning resources: