

There is a lot of research about the benefits of mindfulness. Neuroplasticity research has shown that regular mindfulness actually changes the structure of the brain, allowing us to respond thoughtfully to a situation rather than just reacting. It increase creativity, and can lead to more successful problem solving and better decisions.

Mindfulness helps us to pause and reframe our thinking, it helps us to find calm and allows us to develop skills in thinking things through logically rather than being overwhelmed by our emotions.


A definition of mindfulness from one of the key researchers, Jon Kabat-Zinn is that it is the "awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally."

Your task this week is to find a mindfulness activity that you enjoy and practice it each day. Begin with a minimum of 5 minutes and build to a minimum of 10 minutes each day. Don't forget to record what you do in some way and add it to your e-folio!

Mindfulness Suggestions

Colouring in

A mindful walk

Mindful breathing - try the smiling mind or another app to guide you through this

Mindful moving - eg yoga

Lying on your back watching clouds, or paying attention to the sensations of the grass under your feet and hands...

Remember the key is to be focusing on the present moment, whatever it is that you choose. If you find your mind wandering - and it will - gently bring it back to the moment and your chosen mindful activity.