Intercultural Evidence
In the MAFLT program, I really came to understand what teaching intercultural competence meant, especially through the FLT 815 culture course. Being a teacher in the state of Ohio, there have always been intercultural standards, but I didn't truly understand what it meant. Now, I understand that increasing students' intercultural competence means using the target language as a vehicle for teaching culture. For example, a unit about housing may extend from focusing on house vocabulary to teaching students what housing might look like in a Hispanic country and which family members may be living within a household.
Intercultural activity design

Activity Design presentation - includes introduction to activity and step by step instructions for using it in class.

Activity design details and rationale

The video above is an explanation of the intercultural activity I created during the Culture course in the MAFLT program. I explain how to use the activity and how students make connections with their culture and other cultures.
Classroom Observation

The report to my left includes my observations when I was able to glance into a fellow Spanish teacher's classroom at a neighboring school. During the observation, I focused on how the instructor noted the culture within her natural teaching. Within the class, I noted there were several times the teacher used a teachable moment to focus on culture. This instructor did a great job of deviating from the lesson plans a little to really ensure students understood the Mexican culture references throughout.