Course Selection
Course Selection for 2025-2026
Course selection for the 2025-2026 school year is underway! A timeline for this year's process is as follows:
January 8
A detailed message sent via email/Skyward to all current 8th-11th grade students and their parents regarding this year's course selection process. If you did not receive this contact, a copy can be found HERE.
January 13 - January 16
Counselors meet with all current 8th-11th grade students in their English/ELA classes. We will provide students information that will help them select appropriate courses. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss and decide on course selections. Course selections should be entered into Skyward during this time before counselors follow up with students later in a few weeks.
January 22 (6pm - MSHS Auditorium) - 8th Grade Parent Meeting
A meeting for parents of current 8th graders will be held to provide information about high school graduation requirements, ninth grade course selection, planning a four-year program, athletic/activity eligibility, college and career/technical school admission requirements, and NCAA eligibility. The information presented at this meeting will be very similar to what is shared with students on Thursday, January 16th. While students are welcome to attend, this is more-so targeted towards parents and guardians.
January 27 - February 7 - Counselors will meet with students individually to review course selections:
English 1: Monday, January 27
English 1 Honors: Tuesday, January 28
English 2: Wednesday, January 29
English 2 Honors: Thursday, January 30
English 3: Friday, January 31
English 3 Honors: Monday, February 3
AP English Language: Monday, February 3
8th Grade Math (Ramirez): Tuesday, February 4
8th Grade Math (Smith & Patrick): Wednesday, February 5
8th Grade Math (Snodgrass): Thursday, February 6
High School Individualized English: Friday, February 7
Main Resources:
Supplemental materials:
Freshman Hand-Out (Class of 2029)
Sophomore Hand-Out (Class of 2028)
Junior Hand-Out (Class of 2027)
Senior Hand-Out (Class of 2026)
2025 Summer School Registration Information [Coming soon]
Additional resources:
We look forward to working with students as we make plans for the 2025-2026 school year! If you have any questions in the
meantime, feel free to make use of the Guidance & Counseling website or contact us at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I submit my classes once I have them entered in Skyward?
Course requests are saved in real time as you enter them. There is not submit button.
How do I sign up for 2 study halls?
For the semester(s) you would like two study halls, select both "Study Hall" and "2nd Study Hall."
How do I waive my 1st/8th period study hall if I am a junior or senior?
The period you have study hall will be randomly assigned after course selections are complete. At the time of choosing your courses, simply enter "Study Hall." We cannot guarantee where your study hall will land in your schedule.
What should I do if I am signing up for a dual credit class?
Sign up for the class and your counselor will follow up with you to complete necessary dual credit paperwork.