Google Apps in the Elementary

Donnie Piercey

Google+: +donniepiercey

Snapchat: mrpiercey

More Info:

Google Search

Google Newspaper Archive

  • Find primary sources with the Google Newspaper Archive
  • 100,000+ articles from all around the world
  • Great way to have your students explore current events

What kinds of difficulties do you face trying to use Youtube or Video with your students?

Scared of "Suggested Videos" or "Ads" on Youtube? There are some ways "around" it!

Check out some of these apps/extensions/websites that can solve your Youtube fears.

You can embed videos from your Google Drive onto Google Sites, too!

  • No ads
  • No comments
  • No suggested videos

What are some ways that you encourage student voice in your class?


Have students share their thinking visually.

It's like they're Youtubers!

Sign up at

Click the link to the left to add to our Grid.

Oh, and yes it can be made password protected.


Learn more at

Link to iPad/iPhone App (click)

Great for younger classrooms (K-2)

Tag students in posts/work, parents can see student work during the day

Students can share work with teacher (including video/voice)

Great way to keep track of student learning

Aww App

Digital Collaborate Whiteboard

Click the image to the right to collaborate together!

How do you have your students learn about their community and the world?

Zoom out/Zoom In in Earth View

Check how things have changed over time using the Google Earth Engine - Timelapse

User Created Maps can be found in the Google Maps Gallery

Go Back or Forward in Time!

...and yes, you can watch a Total Eclipse (not of the heart, though)

Writing Prompt: Go to Earth View, spin it, and drop Pegman at a random location. You’ve stepped into a time portal, and ended up here. Tell the story of how you get back.

Or, drop Pegman, “Tell me a story where THIS is the setting.”

The New Google Earth Voyages

View the new Google Earth at

Similar to Google Earth Tours, they let students explore stories in Google Earth (on both iPads and Chromebooks)

Click here to view all the Google Earth Voyages available.

Here's one of my favorites , The ABCs from Space.

How do you discuss digital citizenship with your students?

Be Internet Awesome

Looking for a simple, fun way to teach your students how to be safe online? Check out Be Internet Awesome!

How do you use Google Drive with your students?

Lesson Plan Spreadsheet Template

Graphic Organizers

Short Story

Short Story Graphic Organizer

Informative Article

Informative Article Graphic Organizer


Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer

Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative Graphic Organizer

Chrome Extensions, for your students!

All of these can be installed on your student Chromebooks from the Chrome Web Store.

Mini-Programs you can add to your Google Chrome browser that make life easier.

Here are some of my favorites for your K-5 class:

  • Share to Classroom - Pushes websites out to students in your Google Classroom
  • Clearly → Pulls a shade over different apps
  • Google Dictionary (double click on a word, learn its meaning. Great for students on Chromebooks!)

Indoor Recess