
Welcome to our 4N6 page!

Here, you will be able to find useful tools and resources to help you in your quest to conquer the N level exams! - Miss Eunice

Term 2 Resources (Updated: Week 5)

Watch the following news video on how Boon Lay Secondary School groups students according to CCA instead of Form Classes

Do you agree with this system? What are some possible considerations that must be taken into account if we try to implement such a system?

8 March 2018 (Relief assignment)

Dear class, Miss Eunice is sick:( I'm sure you don't want to make her sicker so you will finish this work right?

1. Using:

write, on a piece of fullscap paper, the FORMAT/STRUCTURE for speech (What should be in the first paragraph, second paragraph etc. Total of 5 paragraphs!)

2. Using the speech in the speech package:

    • Identify all the connectors used in the speech and list them on the same fullscap paper.
      • E.g. Paragraph 3: Firstly; Paragraph X: _____

3. Using the speech given above:

    • Write an outline for the speech. You may choose to do it in mindmap form.
    • The title of the outline should be: Former President Tony Tan's contributions to the country.

Term 1 Week 9


  • Watch one of your classmates' chosen speech and comment on the (1) Message (2) Persuasive Techniques (3) Whether it is a good/bad speech.

Term 1 Week 8

Use the padlet below to upload good speeches. Take some time to watch the videos that your friends have uploaded as well!

Term 1 Week 2

Reading Markers (Fiction)

Miss Eunice's bookshelf