
Dear 2E1,

Welcome to Mdm Song's English Class Page. In here, you are going to find a rich depository or English resources. There are a few ways you could use this space.

1. If you were absent from class due to illness/ competitions/ school events, you could check this space for the powerpoint slides that were used or presented in class to catch up with what you have missed.

2. You are interested in reading interesting articles which I do not have time to share with all of you in class. These are optional reading materials but if you have the time and would like to widen your horizons, feel free to download and read these materials.

3. A resource for you to do test/ examination revision with the powerpoint slides and notes used in class.

I hope this page will be useful in your learning of the English Language! Do check in from time to time!

Using Language for the Purpose of Persuading Others.pptx

If you have forgotten how to write your Argumentative Essay and need some help in remembering what was taught in class, please click on this document to refresh your memory!


Do you still remember how to identify factual questions from inferential questions? Or do you still remember the steps to answering In Your Own Words questions? Fret not, this document will help you navigate the challenges of answering comprehension questions. But remember, this is just Part 1!

Why Tick-Tock and Not Tock-Tick.docx

Have you ever wondered why we say 'tick-tock' and not 'tock-tick' or why is it we say 'little red riding hood' and not 'red little riding hood'? This interesting article will answer all these questions you have about the English Language. Have fun reading!