
5 Qi Xun_Saarah_Yu Tong.mp4


Mdm Lee Yian Ping Emily

Mr Mahmud

Ms Lin Qiuwen

Mdm Joey Li

Innopreneur Club focuses on developing the students’ competencies required for the 21st century. The students will use a variety of methodologies and brainstorm creative solutions for age-appropriate projects. They will also develop innovation and growth mindset through working with like-minded peers, experts and mentors to identify problems and co-create solutions. The students will be exposed to Inclusive Design Thinking by solving relevant social issues.

In addition to innovation processes and Inclusive Design Thinking, students will also be equipped with relevant skills to assist them in their creation. This CCA allows the students to be empathetic, creative and think ‘out-of-the-box’. At the end of their 4 years in Innopreneur Club, they will be a confident problem solver.