BPMS Family News
January 24, 2025
February 12th ~ Early Release
February 24th - March 4th ~ School Recess / No School
March 31st ~ School Recess / No School
Our academic day begins at 7:40am and doors are open at 7:20am for breakfast and time to get ready for the day. If your student is going to be absent or there is a change to their after school schedule, please copy Sue (susan.vandervliet@mmuusd.org) in addition to emailing their classroom teacher.
January 31st: Ms. McGrath's class will lead our morning meeting
February 7th: Speed Share Classroom Learning
February 14th: Slideshow
Check out our slideshow!
We know that registration for camps and summer childcare will be taking place soon, therefore, we want to share the following information that may be helpful.
Currently, we have had no cancelled school days this year and the last student day of this school year is June 13th. In the event, we do need to cancel school for weather or an emergency, we will add these days to the end of the school year. However, in an effort to help parents/caregivers plan for the summer months, we implemented a practice 2 years ago that the last student day will be no later than June 18th. Any additional student school days added to the school calendar will be repurposed for staff professional development. Please note, we will update the school year calendar on the schools' websites if the last student day changes due to school cancellations.
The 2025-26 Champlain Valley Regional School Year Calendar has not been approved, but the initial drafts have the tentative first student day scheduled for August 27, 2025. The District will inform the school community when the first student day of 2025-26 has been approved by regional superintendents and when the MMUUSD 2025-26 School Year Calendar has been finalized.
Many thanks to the Waterwheel Foundation who recently awarded BPMS with grant money for us to purchase an entire set of classroom Ukuleles! Students in 3rd and 4th grade have been learning how to play and are well on their way to becoming master ukulele players! Thank you Waterwheel Foundation for giving our students this incredible opportunity!
Learning about Interoception, Emotions and Using Body Check Scans
How do we recognize that we are hungry, tired, thirsty, wiggly, upset, excited or too hot? Many classes are learning to increase self awareness of bodily needs and sensations to support advocacy language and regulation strategies for an individual or class to meet these needs and be ready to learn! This is done with lots of modeling, song, movement, body scans and visuals that highlight body regulation checkpoints.
We are seeing a variety of illnesses at school right now: such as stomach bug, colds and lice. Please take time to review the district return to school guidelines linked here.
Students, staff and families should be doing their best to prevent illness by washing hands often, drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious foods and getting enough sleep. This sets your body up to fight germs! Please check in with your kids about these things they can do to stay healthy.
Every classroom is getting a glo-germ lesson so students can get a better understanding of how they’re doing with hand washing practices.
As always please reach out with questions.
Enjoy the snow!
Nurse Lindsay
Hello Brewster-Pierce Families,
Next week is the start of SnowMotion. For friends borrowing gear, the snow boards, snow boarding boots and skis are at Cochran's. Ski Boots are going to be at school to be put on and they have all been sized!!!
As a reminder, this year we will participate on FRIDAYS (1/24,1/31,2/7,and 2/14 with 2/21 reserved as a make up day). Grades 3 & 4 grades will be from 11am-12pm and grades K,1 & 2 grades will be from 12pm-1pm.
If you are coming to the mountain, please arrive 15 minutes before your time. We encourage those that come to please help with our students that need assistance on the boards and skis.
For anyone that can help with bringing skis or boards, please email me. We have many great volunteers but I want to even out the duties through the weeks.
See you next week,
Peter Taylor
Physical Education Teacher
Brewster-Pierce Memorial School
802-434-2074 school office
Happy winter!
New BPMS Apparel update coming soon! We’ve been hard at work putting together new options for this year’s BPMS apparel, which will become available this winter! We’ve also been working on some opportunities for parents/caregivers to get involved through volunteering or contributing to events - more details on all of that to follow soon!
Upcoming PIE events to add to your calendar:
Friday Morning Coffee Hour January 31! Come hang out for All School Morning Meeting with coffee, tea, and delicious treats from the kitchen!
BPMS PIE meeting Wednesday February 5 at 7pm at the Huntington Public Library, virtual link to join our meetings is always available on our website www.bpmspie.org
Kitchen Volunteers Needed
Are you interested in an opportunity to be involved in your child(ren)’s life during the school day? Would you like to get to know every child at BPMS by name? Curious to know if your kids are actually eating their vegetables at school? If so, volunteering in the kitchen as a lunch server might be a great place to start! The BPMS kitchen team is proud to make fresh, wholesome, and delicious food, however, we are dependent on volunteers to help serve lunch. Please consider signing up for a day or two to join the kitchen team and be a part of the school lunch hustle. The time commitment is from 10:50-12:30 and no experience is required! And, you get to see your kiddos and squeeze in a few extra hugs! Please check out the SignUpGenius HERE to sign up for a shift or contact Hilary at hilary.redman@mmuusd.org for more information.
Mount Mansfield Girls Lacrosse offers girls in grades 4-8 the ability to learn and play lacrosse. Season starts end of March through first week of June. Practice is held at Browns River Middle School on Monday and Wednesdays from 6-7:30 and Games are played on Sundays starting the first Sunday in May through the first weekend in June. Please contact melisamutolo@icloud.com for details. Registrations will be accepted through March 15th 2025.